0 In Faith

Choosing The Narrow Path

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14

A few years ago, while on a trip to Lake Louise in Canada, my husband and I went on a beautiful hike that took us all day to complete. We passed waterfalls, saw stunning vistas of the lake and surrounding wilderness, and midway through the hike, we even stopped and enjoyed some tea and biscuits from a mountaintop tea house. It was a day I will not soon forget (scroll down to see a few pictures from our hike/trip). Although we were following a path we had never been on before, we felt safe because we knew that this path had been specifically created for hikers to follow. Along the trail, we even encountered posted signs with tips to keep safe and which advised us not to wander too far off the designated path. They stated that hikers could quickly and easily get lost while in the midst of the vast wilderness and may even come across dangerous territorial animals.

Even though there were countless warnings to stay on the trail, I have to admit I was tempted to venture off of it. The idea of not knowing what lay before us and forging our own path was definitely exciting. Suddenly, the path we were on seemed too narrow and restricting.

Yes, I knew we could get lost, but what if we didn’t go too far off the path?

I was sure we could easily find our way back.

But those posted signs that we kept encountering, which were created by the experts who forged the path, kept reminding me of the danger that awaited us if I made that choice. We decided to stay on the safe and narrow path.

The allure of the woods that I felt that day is so similar to the daily temptations we feel to venture off of God’s designated path for our own lives, and simply do what comes naturally to our flesh. But we must remember that although there is a way that seems right to a man, the end is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12).

In life, it’s important to remember that there are two paths that lie before each of us each and every day. One is narrow, the other broad. Although the broad path tends to look full of adventure and excitement, it is a dangerous one that will surely lead to destruction in the long run. The narrow path, however, was created specifically for you and leads to life!

Before you were even born, the Lord designed a path for you to walk that would allow you to experience all of the wonderful things He has in store for you. He not only created this path for you, but it is on this path that He will lead, protect, and guide you all the way to the end. This is why He has given you His own survival manual in the form of the Bible. When you choose the narrow path of following Jesus, you will never be alone in this journey of life. When you look behind you, you will be able to see everything the Lord has protected you from, and when you look before you, you will see the Lord with His hand outstretched towards you asking you to continue to follow Him and to trust Him and His way (Psalm 139:5). He will uphold you when you are weak, protect you when you are in danger, and will bless you with the most wonderful life.

Two paths lie before each of us. One is narrow, the other broad. Vastly different experiences and futures await us on each path.

Depending on which path you choose, your life will turn out completely different.

You will become completely different.

Which path are you on today? Are you following the alluring whispers of the enemy, who is leading you to destruction and death, or are you following Jesus down the path of abundant joy and life?

Pictures From Our Trip/Hike

In front of Lake Louise. We would hike up the mountain behind my left side.

The wilderness in front of me is what we hiked through.

The view of Lake Louise while on our hike.

Ryan and I in front of the waterfall that was right below the tea house.

The Lord blessed us with a double rainbow at the exact moment we sat down to sip our tea. It was a beautiful day given to us by a beautiful God.

Closing Prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for everything you have done, are doing, or are going to do in my life. Give me wisdom and discernment in making every life decision, give me the strength to resist my flesh and all worldly desires, and most importantly, deepen my trust in you and your plans for my life. Give me the strength and fortitude to continue down the straight and narrow path, no matter what may come.  Help me remember your wisdom during the difficult times and hold firmly to your steadfast promises. I ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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